Creating an issue

Modified on Fri, 13 Oct 2023 at 11:55 AM

At the top right of the Issue screen you will see a black plus (+). If you click on this you will get the option to create a new issue. If you click on Create issue, you will be taken to a new screen. 

You can create an issue yourself by adding a photo, giving a name to the problem and adding a description. Below the description you can give a label to the issue. You can then select a location and room and save the issue. The new issue will have the status Open. 

Do you want create a To Do from this issue so that it can be fixed? Than you can click on the issue you just created and edit the Issue status by clicking on Create To Do from issue. When you click on this, the status of the issue will change from Open into To do. 

Now the issue will automatically be placed into the list of To Do's. At last, there is also the option to click on the red bin at the top right of the issue. If you click on this bin the issue will be removed from the list.

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