Checking specific rooms

Modified on Tue, 10 Oct 2023 at 11:28 AM

First read the section about creating a check report. Then proceed with this article to add a room to your check report.


Selecting the room

You select the room you would like to check, by clicking on the text box under add rooms, and then selecting the room of your choice. So you check rooms individually.

In this example, I select bedroom 1. After selecting, I click on the plus sign to the right of the text box. The room is now added to your report. Each room was given an inventory list when it was created (if done correctly). This is displayed when you have added the property. In this example, you can see that bedroom 1 only has a nightlight, a closet and a duvet.

Starting the check (checking the room + inventory)

At the top of the room's field, you will see the current occupants of that room. Does the room have no occupants? Then there is a dash (-). 

The first field you see next is the comment field. In this field you can enter a general comment about the room. For example, is the room very dirty? Or do you want to say something about the condition of the room? Then you can put such a comment in this field.

Below the comment field you will see a field with. check articles. Here you can find all items that are linked to this specific room. You can then score the inventory that has been added as Good, Acceptable or Bad. Just to provide a generic overview of what these statuses mean (Note! This may also depend on the agreements you have made internally about the statuses)

  • Good: the status is good, you do not need to report on the state of the item and no action is required
  • Acceptable: the item is no longer in good condition, but no immediate action is required. However, you do want it recorded that the item may soon need replacement to avoid questions ("Why was this never reported?")
  • Bad: The item is in bad condition and requires action; it needs to be repaired or replaced. You can also use this status if an item is missing; is it stolen or no longer there? Then indicate it here!

When the status of an article is Good, you still have the option to upload a photo by using the plus (+) button. Are you using your phone/tablet to do a check? Then you can either add photos from your gallery, or take photos directly with your camera and add them to the report. Adding a photo of an item in Good Condition can come in handy if you want to do a baseline inspection of a property. This way, you can always find the status of the items in the first report, so you can also easily show it if something is missing.

Is the status Acceptable or Bad? Then, in addition to a picture, you can textually indicate why you have given this status to the item. Describe the problem here as clearly as possible, so that other stakeholders also have a good description of the problem and can take action on it if necessary.

Adding Issues

Are there any reports you want to create separate from the inventory already being displayed? If so, you can do so by creating an issue. An issue can include:

  • A hygiene notification
  • A spill
  • Missing inventory. Do you see items missing from your report? Then report it via an Issue so it can be adjusted. 

When you press the Add Issue button, a new field appears.

In this menu you can add the name of the Issue, a description and a photo. In the description box, enter the issue in as much detail as possible and, if possible, include a picture for capture. You can also label the issue in the third box to make it even clearer under which category your issue falls.

You'll see several labels here. You can use the label inventory to indicate that an item is missing from the report.

Are you done checking your first room? Then under the add rooms button you can add another room by clicking on the field and selecting the appropriate room. Press the plus sign to add the room, and go through the above steps again.

Have you checked all the rooms you needed to check? Then click Complete Check. You can find more about the completion process in this article.

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