Issue dashboard: list or map overview

Modified on Fri, 13 Oct 2023 at 11:50 AM

When you click on the Issue tile at the SIMA dashboard, you will see an overview of issues that have been reported in housing locations. 

Besides the list overview, you also have the option to see all the issues in a map overview by clicking on the map icon at the top right.

You can then filter by 3 types of issues by choosing one of the following tabs:

  • My issues: if you look at my issues, you will only see the issues that are directed to you
  • To Do: these are issues that are already turned into a To Do
  • All issues: here you can see all issues of all housing locations in SIMA
  • On hold: here you can see all issues that are currently paused
  • Completed issues: here you can see issues that have already been completed


You also have the button with Filter at the top left. If you click on this you will see the following screen.

You can filter here on various criteria if this is desired. If you filter by one of the following criteria, you will only see the issues that fit within your selected criteria:


  • Assigned to: here you can choose an employee to whom an issue has been assigned.
  • Created on: for example, if you want to find all issues from one specific day, you can select that date here
  • Created by: here you can choose which employee created an issue
  • Deadline: here you can filter on deadline dates of an issue, so when it should be completed
  • Completed on: here you can search on a date when an issue has been completed
  • Status: here you can filter by the status of an issue, you can choose between Open, To Do, In progress and Done.
  • Label: here you can filter by the type of issue; Malfunction, Damage, Inventory, SNF or otherwise.


If you then click on Show results, you will see the issues that fit within your chosen criteria. Do you no longer want to apply the filters? Then click on Reset filters on the right side of the screen.


Under the heading with filters you also have a search bar. Here you can search for an issue yourself with keywords.


Finally, you have the option Sort on at the top right. You can sort issues by name, added on and deadline.

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