Assigning a Label to an Issue

Modified on Fri, 13 Oct 2023 at 11:51 AM

When you click on an issue, a new screens open. In this screen you can see all the details about the issue. If you click on the Change button at Label, you can attach a label to the issue. 

By attaching a label to an issue, it becomes clear which type of problem it is about. This way you can also categorize problems. You can choose the following labels here:

1. Damages:  if something is damaged an has to be fixed, such as: a damaged wall

2. Malfunctions: if there is a malfunction, such as: a boiler that's not working

3. Inventory: if there is an issue regarding something in the inventory, such as: a broken pan, but also if inventory is missing in a location

4. SNF: if there is a SNF related issue, such as: an expired fire extinguisher

5. Wear: if the state of an object is getting worse, such as: a duvet which is getting thin

6. Check: if there is an issue which came from a check, such as: a bed that is broken

7. Hygiene: if there is an issue with the hygiene, such as: a dirty bathroom

8. Rush: if there is an issue that needs to be fixed soon such as: leakage

9. Other: if there is an issue that does not match the previous criteria.

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