Placing orders for existing locations (ordering inventory / contents)

Modified on Thu, 26 Oct 2023 at 03:36 PM

A home obviously includes inventory, and it will need to be replenished from time to time, or placed completely new when you move into a new home. Therefore, it is obviously very nice if you can place an order with items needed at a property. In this article, we will discuss placing orders for existing locations in SIMA.

Suppose you have an existing location in SIMA, but additional inventory is needed. For example, an additional chair needs to be supplied. In that case, you can place an order through Location actions. You do this by going to the Location tile in SIMA. Then find the location for which you want to place the order, and click on Location actions.

You will see the Place Order button at the bottom right. This button allows you to order inventory. If you click this button, a new screen will appear.

In this screen you can select the items you would like to add to your order. You do this by clicking on the field marked Add item. A dropdown menu appears. From this you can select the items you want to order. You can also type in the name of the item you are looking for!

Once you have added the items you want to order, you can then determine the quantity of the items; how many do you want to order per item? You do this easily by clicking on the + or -.

Have you chosen all items + quantity? Then click on Save. An order has now been placed. An order is placed as an Issue and can then be handled further by the appropriate department. You can find the order from this location in Location actions under the Orders from location button.

The items you ordered can be found under the Articles tab.

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