Tabs in Locationplanning

Modified on Mon, 23 Oct 2023 at 04:03 PM

In Location Planning, there are a number of tabbed views at the top. Each tab has its own functionality.

The different tabs are:

  • Location Planning: this is an overview of all properties with their availability and capacity. You can see here for each property how many spaces are occupied and who is occupying them.
  • Availability Planning: this is an overview where you can give external parties with a limited account access to SIMA, allowing them to request availability for housing for you. Note! This module is not on by default, please contact us about the possibilities!
  • Planning overview: do you work internally with a planting team? Then this tab is useful for you. Here you can see per planner how much they have planned, how many jobs are still available and how many people the planner has. This gives you a good overview of the capacity per planner.

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