Changing details of existing To Do's

Modified on Thu, 26 Jan 2023 at 11:42 AM

If you click on an existing To Do, a new screen appears. At this screen, you can see the details of the To Do. You can change various details. For example, you can change the person to whom the task is assigned by clicking the Change button. If you click on this, you can then select an employee of your choice and add them to the task. 


You can also change the date on which the task is scheduled by clicking on the Change button. If you click on this you can choose a different date.

When there is both a date and employee attached to the To Do, than you can also find the scheduled To Do in the planning module.


You can also change the status of the task by clicking on the Change button. You have 4 status options to choose from: Open, In progress, On hold and Done.

You can also add and change comments to the to the To Do by clicking the Change button. 

Lastly, you can also change the label of the To Do. You can read more about labels in this section. 

Every time you update anything about the To Do, the system keeps track of all the changes. You can see all the updates of the To Do when you scroll down at the screen. Here, you see a tab called Logs which keeps track of all of the updates.

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