Create page

Modified on Thu, 26 Jan 2023 at 01:51 PM

Besides adding already existing pages to your app, you can also create your own information tiles. You can do that by clicking on the black plus (+) on the top right of the overview screen. You can then select Create page. If you click on this page, a pop-up screen opens where you can enter the name of your content page. After that, you can attach a category to your tile by clicking on the dropdown menu showed below the title section. More information about categories can be found in this section.

The information you enter under the chosen main theme is then placed under a tile in the app with the icon that belongs to the category. This new tile is automatically presented in a logical place in the app: information about the same theme is automatically placed next to each other. So if you want to place 2 tiles with information about, for example, living (local and national for example) then these two tiles are presented next to each other in the app because they are both placed under the category Home Info.

When you create a page you can already at a Title and Picture. The Title you add here represents the title of the tile that app users see. The picture you upload here is the picture app users see when they open the tile. If you do not download a picture here, then the background picture you uploaded at Theme settings will automatically be shown to users for this tile. You can read more about uploading a background in this section.

You can read more about adding information to your page in this section.

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